23andMe DNA kits are on sale through October 15, 2019. Clustering methods are all the rage in genetic genealogy these…
The past year has seen a chilling in the genetic genealogy industry: DNA kit sales are down drastically since April…
Mother’s Day sales on DNA tests have been announced! Show Mom you love her by linking her to her ancestors. …
You don’t have to be Irish to take advantage of the St Patrick’s Day sales! Expect more sale announcements, so…
This post has been updated. “Which DNA test should I do? And which company should I use?” I hear those…
The month of November has some of the best sale prices on genealogy DNA tests all year long. 2018 looks…
The DNA database at MyHeritage has grown rapidly since its inception 2 years ago, to an official tally of 1.75…
‘So frustrating! 95% of my DNA matches don’t have trees!’ ‘People at Company X only test for their ethnicity estimates. …
Wonder how long your DNA test will take once you mail it off? Here’s the latest from the DNA Processing…
Ancestry.com has finally updated their corporate page to say that their DNA database is “over 10 million people”. Until this…