Informed consent is critical for the ethical practice of forensic genetic genealogy.
GEDmatch, the much beloved “free” site for genetic genealogy, is now the target of two class-action lawsuits that could make…
This post has been updated. The Terms and Conditions at MyHeritage state: Using the DNA Services for law enforcement purposes,…
In a fit of anger, William Leslie Arnold murdered his parents in 1958 in Nebraska. He escaped jail in 1967,…
The DNA Justice Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to securing justice through genetic genealogy.
Do you have even a passing interest in the power of genetic genealogy to solve crimes? Are you concerned about the ethical and privacy implications? Then you should read Barbara Rae-Venter’s book “I Know Who You Are.”
Verogen, the for-profit company that owns GEDmatch, recently increased the price to upload DNA for law-enforcement cases by more than…
Forensic investigative genealogy (FGG), also called investigative genetic genealogy (IGG), burst into the public perception in April 2018 with the…
This post has been updated. Today, GEDmatch has a new look at It’s a long-overdue upgrade for a site…
Update: The bill was passed into law in May 2021 A bill is currently moving through the State of Maryland’s…