Learn to use the single most important tool for DNA mysteries: WATO (What Are the Odds?)
Level: Intermediate
The Shared cM Tool at DNA Painter contains two completely different sets of data. Here’s why.
(Level: Advanced)
The DNA Q&A is a relationship advice column for genetic genealogy instead of bad lovers.
(Level: Beginner)
We’ve been overestimating the size of 23andMe’s database for a while now. No more!
(Level: All)
Are you a beginner at DNA? Intermediate? Advanced? How can you tell?
(Level: All)
MyHeritage is running a Black Friday sale on DNA kits—and it’s a fabulous price, only $39!—but that’s almost just the…
Y-DNA is a unique type of DNA that is passed down from fathers and tracks the paternal lineage. In many…
Do you remember candy dots, those little dollops of sugary goodness on paper strips? They were always so much yummier…
We may not know exactly how we’re related to our autosomal DNA matches, but we know we are related to…
Are ethnicity estimates all made equal? Here’s a simple way to compare and some thoughts on why they might differ.