Until midnight Pacific Time, 23andMe is accepting transfers of raw DNA data from AncestryDNA. To start the process, click here, then click the link in the purple bar at the top of the page.
You must create a new account at 23andMe before midnight Pacific time, and you’ll have 7 days to do the actual transfer.
Some catches
- The upload gives you five free reports (Muscle Composition, Sleep Movement, Saturated Fat & Weight, Your DNA Family, and Ancestry Composition), but not relative matching (known as DNA Relatives at 23andMe).
- It may not be available in all countries outside the US. We’re getting mixed reports on that.
- You cannot use an existing account at 23andMe or an email address that you have already used there. You will have to create a new account with a different email address.
- AncestryDNA probably wasn’t expecting this; their servers are overloaded with requests to download raw data. Be patient while waiting for the link to download your raw data.
- If you try to access DNA Relatives with an uploaded kit, 23andMe will ask you to buy a DNA test.
If you click “Buy” the system will add a Health + Ancestry kit to your shopping cart. If you only want the Ancestry portion (DNA Relatives but not Health Reports), simply remove the more expensive Health + Ancestry kit from the cart and add the Ancestry Only one.
- As always, make sure you have explicit informed consent from the test taker if you’re considering uploading raw data for your relatives.
Perhaps they’ll eventually offer discounted access to the DNA Relatives database for transfers.
Additional Reading
Where do I go to upload? I don’t see anything about this deal on the 23andme web page.
The link is here:
That just gives you the option to order a kit or register one which wants a barcode , ive followed all steps and there is no option to upload from all the settings & pages on my account ?
Did you log out of all existing accounts before trying to set up the new one? You’ll have to use a different email address for the new account.
If logging out doesn’t work, try clearing your browser cache or registering the new account using Incognito mode.
I registered with 23andme but I cannot see any link to upload. Only a link to buy the kit.
Can you send more detailed info? thanks
Go this link and click the GET STARTED link. If you already have an account with 23andMe, you’ll have to create a new one. They’ll send you an email to verify the address, and then you’ll be able to upload.
Done that and nothing showing for an upload ?
same here :/
I also don’t see the option of downloading my raw data from Ancestry. To upload, I must have a bar code
You have to go into your AncestryDNA account (under Settings) to download.
Same here; followed the steps to create a new account and at the step where I should have seen an option to upload my AncestryDNA raw data, I am only given an option to register (barcode) or purchase a new kit. :/
Are you outside the USA?
In the past, it has been possible to transfer a profile from one account to another. Do you know if it is possible to do with these new accounts that will be created from Ancestry transfers?
Wish I knew!
I manage my moms and my dna can I do this with both… we are currently waiting on her23 and me results
If you’ve already sent in a saliva sample to 23andMe for your mom, there’s no reason to transfer her AncestryDNA results there. You’ll get more information with the test done directly at 23andMe.
Since I couldn’t locate my raw data from Ancestry I requested another download. Unfortunately it may take 24 hours to happen. So I guess I’m going to lose out on this free offer.
You need to create the free account at 23andMe today, but it looks like you can upload the AncestryDNA data file later.
They did change their site to say that you need to create a 23andMe account by 1159pm PT today, then upload your AncestryDNA data in the next 7 days. I requested my AncestryDNA download link four hours ago and I’m still waiting, just a heads up for anyone who has tried. Thanks to thednageek for the heads up via the email newsletter this morning, it’s the only way I would have known!
You’re welcome! I think both 23andMe and AncestryDNA are a bit overwhelmed by the interest.
I’m glad they updated to say people have 7 days.
Me, too! I’ve downloaded my DNA a few times to upload to various other sites but I delete it when I’m done. Lesson learned.
I just uploaded my data, I hope it doesn’t really take 6 days.
Frank, did you already have your AncestryDNA data downloaded or were you able to download today? 23andMe’s website does say the reports are supposed to be available in 1-3 days.
I just sent them the data, it says up to 6 days before I get results.
From 23&me:
“We are preparing your reports now.
It may take up to six days to compute your data. We will send you an email once your reports are ready.”
My results were waiting for me when I woke up this morning… Very accurate, the best I’ve seen.
That’s encouraging! I found my results in my files last night, so don’t have to wait for Ancestry to send a link to download again. If you just uploaded yours yesterday, then I’m hopeful mine will come soon, too!
In my opinion, the ethnicity estimates at 23andMe are the best available.
I agree completely. Both me and my nephew received very accurate results.
I’ve signed up for the 23andme….I have to wait for Ancestry to re-send me the raw data. Which I am hoping they do.
You have 7 days to do the upload, so no hurry!
Doesn’t work for outside of the USA , doesn’t matter what you do , it DOESN’T WORK , just a data mining exercise it seems from 23&me , and yet you can register bought kits & buy kits if outside of the USA on there , not impressed with 23&me has put me off any future dealings with them !
The promotion was limited to the US.
Any clues whatsoever that they might do this again?
Sorry, no, I don’t.