A biology lesson wrapped up in a history lesson wrapped up in a nerdy experiment.
Use this simple conversion factor to estimate centimorgan amount from percent shared DNA.
Relationship Predictor Survey The Relationship Predictor Survey was launched in March 2023 to collect large-scale data from citizen scientists (like…
Relationship Predictor Survey There are now several tools that predict which genealogical relationships are most likely for given amounts of…
A key reason to evaluate our DNA tools is to improve them. After all, that’s how science works: a perennial…
How much do ages improve the new relationship predictions at MyHeritage? Here’s a sneak peek into a longer-term study.
The Shared cM Tool at DNA Painter contains two completely different sets of data. Here’s why.
(Level: Advanced)
There’s no secret that DNA Painter is my favorite third-party site for DNA analysis. Its tools for chromosome mapping, relationship…
This post has been updated. The What Are the Odds? tool (WATO) at DNAPainter.com has revolutionized how we identify unknown…
When I get a new mystery DNA match—unknown connection, possibly no tree at all—the first thing I check is how…