This offer from MyHeritage expires on 8 March, 2022.
To celebrate RootsTech 2022 and DNA around the world, MyHeritage is offering their DNA tools for free for new uploads. This is great news! MyHeritage has a diverse DNA database, and this special means you can grow your family tree for less money!
If you’ve done a genealogy DNA test at another company, it’s always free to download your data from that company (see below) and to upload it to MyHeritage. This transfer lets you see your DNA matches and connect with them.

However, MyHeritage has a lot more to offer than just DNA match lists: a chromosome browser, Theories of Family Relativity™️ (tree hints for your DNA matches), ethnicity estimates, and how much DNA your shared matches share with one another.
Those additional features normally require a small fee ($29). But for the week of RootsTech 2022—through March 8—you can upload your data from another testing company, like AncestryDNA or 23andMe, and get permanent access to the bonus tools … for free!
Here’s How
No matter which other genealogy company you tested with, uploading is easy. I’ll show you how to get the file from your original company below. Then just use this link and follow the simple instructions. First, you may be asked to create a free MyHeritage account. You need this to protect your data behind a login. If you already have an account, log in.
Then follow the steps to set up the DNA profile. Tell them whose DNA data you’re uploading (yours or someone else’s), review the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, consent to let MyHeritage analyze the data, confirm that this is not part of a law-enforcement or forensic investigation, decide whether to enable matching and to share details with your DNA relatives, decide whether to participate in their DNA Research Project, and then select the file to upload.
Do the download/upload from a computer rather than from a smartphone or tablet.
MyHeritage will take a few days to process the file, then you’re good to go!
Pro tip: If you’re uploading multiple kits to MyHeritage, do one at a time, all the way through from start to end, before uploading another one. That will minimize the chance that you’ll mix up Aunt Myrtle’s file with Cousin Omar’s. It’s easy to do. Trust me on this!
Getting Your DNA File from AncestryDNA
Log into your account and select DNA from the top menu then “Your DNA Results Summary”.
On the next page, click the “Settings” button at the top right. Scroll down to “Actions” and click the blue “Download” link in the Download DNA Data section. Ancestry has three layers of privacy protection here: (1) you must enter your password again, (2) they will email you a link to download the data file, and (3) the file has a generic name. This last one makes it easy to mix up kits, though. If you manage multiple kits, you might want to append a name or initials to the filename to keep them straight.
When you get the email, click the link to download the file. This is the file you select to upload to MyHeritage. Easy peasy!
If you want to download AncestryDNA data for more than one tester, use the “View Another Test” pulldown beside the Settings button to select a different test and download as described above.
Getting Your DNA File from 23andMe
Log into your 23andMe account. At the top right, click on your profile and select “Browse Raw Data” from the pulldown.
The next page has three tabs across the top. Select the “Download” tab, scroll down to the section called “Request your raw data download”, acknowledge the warning, then request the file. They’ll send you an email when it’s ready, or you can wait a few minutes then reload the page to see the download link. This is the file you select to upload to MyHeritage.
23andMe data files do include the tester’s name, so it’s easier to keep different people straight.
Getting Your DNA File from FamilyTreeDNA
At the FamilyTreeDNA site, log into your account, hover your cursor over “Results & Tools” then “Autosomal DNA”, and select “Download Raw Data”.
On the next page, scroll down and click on “Build 37 Concatenated Raw Data” to download the file. (That’s just fancy words for “we put everything in one file for you”.)
This is the file you select to upload to MyHeritage.
Remember: This offer from MyHeritage expires on 8 March, 2022.