Do you inherit exactly half of your DNA from each parent? As with so many questions in genealogy and in…
As this post was set to publish, MyHeritage announced a phishing attack that may stem from the GEDmatch hack. (Read…
What Are the Odds? is one of the most helpful tools for autosomal DNA, and now it’s even better!
Two of the most useful aids for figuring out how you are related to your autosomal DNA matches are at…
Endogamy is a word that gets bandied around a lot in genetic genealogy circles, but what it means and how…
At age 16, Jerry’s mother was working in a canning factory, where she met a young man. As things happen,…
AncestryDNA recently added color tags to their New and Improved DNA Matches beta feature (available here if you don’t already…
ThruLines are automatically added to DNA tests that meet the criteria described at the end of this post. AncestryDNA’s ThruLinesTM are…
These features are now available to all users of AncestryDNA and no longer require opting into “beta testing”. For RootsTech…
Did you know that AncestryDNA is using fully-identical regions to distinguish full siblings from half siblings? And apparently has been…